Woody Bradford on Building a Greater Understanding of Climate-Change Risks
Woody Bradford, CEO and Chair of Conning’s Board, discusses ideas on building a greater understanding of climate-change risks in a column in Environmental Finance.
Rich Sega on the Future of Digital Infrastructure
Rich Sega, Global Chief Investment Strategist, talks about digital infrastructure in a CIO magazine article.
Matthew Lightwood Featured on MSCI's "Perspectives" Podcast
Conning’s Matthew Lightwood spoke about the evolution of modeling and how it may help insurers better understand the portfolio risks of climate change on MSCI’s “Perspectives” podcast.
Conning ConnText Podcast Explains Why Current Inflation May Be Transitory, Ease as “Exhausted” Supply Chains Recover; U.S. Economic Growth Likely Continues into 2022
Conning has posted its latest Conning ConnText quarterly podcast which suggests that inflation is real but transitory and that the “supply chain exhaustion” feeding the price rise will resolve and inflation will ease with it. The podcast also takes a close look at the impact the pandemic had on global supply chains and how those vital commerce links are responding amid resurgent consumer demand.
Rich Sega Shares Insight on Alternative Strategies
Rich Sega, Global Chief Investment Strategist, shares insight on alternative strategies with InsuranceNewsNet.
FIRM® Portfolio Analyzer wins “Life and Pensions ALM System of the Year” in the 2021 Risk Technology Awards
Conning is pleased to have its FIRM® Portfolio Analyzer and Conning Allocation Optimizer™ software named Life and Pensions ALM System of the Year in's 2021 Risk Technology Awards. The award’s judges cited the product’s innovation and the strength of its economic models.
Integrating Climate Change Regulation into Investment Risk Models
Insurers and pensions plans are hearing more from regulators about the need to assess the potential impact of climate change. Organizations understand what needs to be done, but the “how” remains elusive. Matt Lightwood discusses the ways that technology can integrate regulators’ requirements into a risk management framework in a new Viewpoint in Insurance Day.
Rich Sega Discusses Recent Rise in U.S. Unemployment Numbers with US News & World Report
Rich Sega, Global Chief Investment Strategist, reacts to the recent rise in unemployment in an US News & World Report article.
Conning Wins “Technology Provider of the Year” in 2021 Asset Management Awards
Conning is pleased to have been named Technology Provider of the Year in the 2021 Asset Management Awards. The award’s judges cited proof of Conning’s long-term expertise being applied to build new technology, such as last year’s Allocation Optimizer™ software.
Conning is Pleased to Announce its Newest Focus Series "ESG: Social Considerations for Insurers"
ESG (environmental, social, and governance) concerns have been increasing for years, and issues regarding DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) are being discussed in all industries, including insurance. Insurance companies that do not stay out in front of the issues will quickly find themselves at a disadvantage.