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Emerging Markets: Update on Latin America 


Latin America has been a rising star for some time. Over the past decade, most of the region has grown GDP per capita as well as had rating upgrades. Countries such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico implemented robust reforms and saw their institutions and banking systems improve, while deepening their markets.

Emerging Markets: Asia Update


It has been an eventful start to the year for the emerging Asia equity markets, as there were various challenges to the economic performance of the region. The U.S. Fed began its “tapering” program and yet again raised concerns about countries with a current account deficit. 

Emerging Markets: Watching for Signals 


The world has changed considerably since our last overview publication on Emerging Markets (EM) in May 2012. Globally, investors have been contending with the end of the quantitative easing (QE) and rising interest rates, political instability, slowing growth in China, declining commodity prices and a narrowing growth differential between EM and Developed Markets (DM).

Quantitative Tightening?


In November of 2008, the Federal Reserve, under the leadership of Chairman Ben Bernanke, announced it would begin a phase of monetary policy called “quantitative easing (QE).” The program involved the purchase of securities in the open Š›Žmarket and was designed to have a stimulative effect on the U.S. economy by reducing market interest rates.

U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Credit; 7th Inning Stretch or Bottom of the 9th?


The corporate market has gone nearly full circle in the past decade, and investors find themselves in an environment that looks disturbingly similar to 2005-2006, with narrow spreads, compressed differentials across ratings, and rising event risk.

Emerging Markets: Perspectives on Russia and Poland


Since the closing of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, news from that region of the world has been dominated by the geopolitical unrest in Ukraine and Russia’s involvement in it. In light of the uncertainty that remains on how the crisis will play out on the world stage, this paper discusses the potential impact on Russia, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). 

The Importance of Risk Attribution


This paper begins with a background on risk attribution. Risk attribution is a rigorous approach to determining the overall impact of various sources of risk across all functions of an organization. Recent events have brought a heightened attention to risk and brought risk management to the forefront of insurer concerns.

Comparing Performance Metrics when Optimizing Investment Strategies


In this time of a difficult investment environment, as well as a heightened awareness of risk, insurers are looking to develop asset allocation strategies that will help them achieve their objectives.