
These views and opinions are those of the authors at the time of writing, may be subject to change, are for informational purposes only, and they should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation for the purchase or sale of securities by Conning. The information may not be current and Conning has no obligation to provide any updates or changes. Individual portfolio management teams for Conning may have views and opinions and/or make investment decisions that, in certain instance, may not always be consistent with the views and opinions expressed therein. While any third-party data used is considered reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed.

Conning's Segment Reports Highlight Important Trends


Conning’s Insurance Research team reports on the current leading trends affecting the life-annuity and property-casualty insurance segments, including – but not limited to – the impact of COVID-19.

Client Case Study: Cloud-Enabled Strategic Asset Allocation


Schroders Personal Wealth uses Conning software to analyze investment strategies for the highest potential return while limiting volatility and downside losses. Click here to read the full case study.

Pension Funded Status Tracker August 2020


The funded status of the average U.S. corporate defined benefit pension plan improved 5% to 85% in August. The asset portfolio increased in value as growth assets outperformed over the month.

Esoteric ABS: Spreads Suggest Opportunity but Manager Experience, Focus May be Valuable


Paul Norris, Head of Structured Products, explains the current market dynamics behind the wider spreads in esoteric ABS and why manager experience in both the collateral and ABS structures can be valuable to take advantage of potential opportunities.

New Frontiers: A View of Opportunity, Risk and the Unique Dynamics in Frontier Markets Debt


Christian Mejrup, Deputy CIO for Global Evolution, the Conning affiliate that specializes in emerging market (EM) debt, discusses the market dynamics, opportunities and risks in frontier markets, the smaller, less economically developed nations in the EM sphere.

FHLB: Membership, Collateral and Innovative Uses of a Financing Resource for Insurers


Conning has assembled ideas on ways to leverage Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) financing programs to help insurers make the most of the resource. Insurance membership continues to grow in the FHLB and, while it has long been a resource for larger insurers, smaller and mid-size insurers may also benefit from its capabilities.

Pension Funded Status Tracker July 2020


The funded status of the average U.S. corporate defined benefit pension plan dropped from 81% to 80% in July. The asset portfolio increased in value as both hedging and growth portfolios witness gains.

Pandemic Furthering Decline in Life Annuity Book Yields and Offering Lessons in Managing Risk


While the pandemic will likely lead to even lower book yields for life-annuity insurers, Conning suggests that scenario planning – stress-testing portfolios against historical market downturns – may help insurers better understand the range of risks they face.

Q&A: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Conning Holdings Limited (“Conning”)


A discussion of Conning’s journey to address diversity, equity and inclusion, from its impetus and lessons learned to the important work ahead, with Board member Meryl Hartzband and CEO and Chair of the Board Woody Bradford.

P/C Book Yields Surplus May Slip Further Due to Pandemic Fallout


While the pandemic will likely lead to even lower book yields for property-casualty insurers and possibly impact surplus, Conning suggests that scenario planning – stress-testing portfolios against historical market downturns – may help insurers better understand the range of risks they face.