Pension Funded Status Tracker - December 2018
The funded level for the average U.S. corporate pension plan fell to 83% in December, down 5% for the month and 2% below the year-end 2017 level. A sell-off in global equities led to a decrease in the asset portfolio, while liabilities rose due to a roughly 20-basis-point drop in the effective discount rate. Learn more about the trends and drivers in our December Pension Funded Status Tracker.
Pension Funded Status Tracker - November 2018
Funded levels for U.S. corporate pension plans held steady at 88% in November, which is 3% higher than year-end 2017. Asset ticked up slightly as most equity markets and U.S. Treasuries outperformed. Liabilities were relatively flat: interest rates slipped but high-quality corporate bond spreads widened. Learn more about the trends and drivers in our November Pension Funded Status Tracker.
New Approaches to Market-consistent Interest Rate Modeling
Conning’s latest white paper, “New Approaches to Market-consistent Interest Rate Modeling”, examines the challenges of calculating market-consistent embedded valuation under the current macroeconomic conditions.
Pension Funded Status Tracker - October 2018
Funded levels for U.S. corporate pension plans fell 2% in October to 88% funded, 3% higher than year-end 2017. Asset values fell as equity markets experienced major declines and bonds underperformed, while liabilities also fell, albeit less severely, as interest rates rose and spreads widened. Learn more about the trends and drivers in our October Pension Funded Status Tracker.
Pension Funded Status Tracker - September 2018
Funded levels for U.S. corporate pension plans rose 1% in September to 90% funded, 5% higher than year-end 2017. Rising interest rates drove down liabilities at twice the rate assets declined, the latter mainly due to bond underperformance. Learn more about the trends and drivers in our September Pension Funded Status Tracker.
Fact Sheet: Cloud Computing for Financial Risk Modeling
With the advent of the speed and affordability of cloud computing, stochastic simulations for financial risk modeling can be run at a level of sophistication that has never before been practical.
Global Evolution's Investment Themes
Learn more about Global Evolution's investment themes and the history of Emerging and Frontier Markets.
Viewpoint - Ten Years Post Crisis U.S. Banks Eye Continued Growth
While U.S. banks are on much more solid footing than 10 years ago post financial crisis, decisions facing bank management and pending regulatory actions may have long-term impact on the sector.
Learn More About Global Evolution's Investment Process
In this short video you will learn more about about Global Evolution's investment process.
Pension Funded Status Tracker - August 2018
Funded levels for U.S. corporate pension plans held steady in August and remain 4% higher than year-end 2017. Assets grew due to outperformance in U.S. equity, Treasury and corporate bond markets, but liabilities also grew as interest rates fell. Learn more about the trends and drivers in our August Pension Funded Status Tracker.