
These views and opinions are those of the authors at the time of writing, may be subject to change, are for informational purposes only, and they should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation for the purchase or sale of securities by Conning. The information may not be current and Conning has no obligation to provide any updates or changes. Individual portfolio management teams for Conning may have views and opinions and/or make investment decisions that, in certain instance, may not always be consistent with the views and opinions expressed therein. While any third-party data used is considered reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed.

Conning and PRI's Commitment to ESG Investing for Insurers


Matt Daly, Head of & Corporate and Municipal Teams, and Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) outline the ESG investing issues facing U.S. insurers and how Conning and PRI are addressing their needs.

Election 2020: Impact on the Insurance Industry


The Conning Commentary special edition examines how the 2020 elections may impact capital markets and the insurance industry. 

Pension Funded Status Tracker October 2020


The funded status of the average U.S. corporate defined benefit pension plan remained flat at 83% funded, for the month of October 2020. The asset portfolio decreased in value while liabilities also decreased in value.

2020: What Are the Takeaways for Insurance CROs?


Was the market crash a temporary blip … or a dodged bullet? In this new white paper, Conning’s Dan Finn discusses the possible lessons to be learned for risk professionals from the events and market data of 2020.

Rethinking Investment Strategy to Combat "Lower for Longer"


Matthew Reilly, a Managing Director in Institutional Solutions, examines strategies and tools that might help insurers combat the continuing decline in yields from traditional fixed-income strategies. 

ESG: AI Makes Us Smarter


Ole Jorgensen, Director of Research for Global Evolution, discusses how artificial intelligence – AI – may help asset managers integrate ESG factors into the investment process in this video for the Insurance Asset Management Association of China.

Conning ConnText Podcast: Quarterly Investment Outlook


In his Conning ConnText podcast for the fourth quarter, Rich Sega, Global Chief Investment Strategist, offers his views on how markets may react once voters have their say in November. He is joined by Karel Citroen, Head of Conning’s Municipal Credit Research team, who discusses how COVID-19, state credit quality and the elections may affect various states.

Pension Funded Status Tracker September 2020


The funded status of the average U.S. corporate defined benefit pension plan deteriorated 2% to 83% in September. The asset portfolio decreased in value as US equities led the decline while liabilities remained flat.

Consulting Opportunities Rise as Insurers Increase Investment Outsourcing


Conning and Eager, Davis & Holmes offer insights on the rising number of insurance companies turning to outside managers to help them enhance investment returns in this low-rate environment, and the possible opportunities for investment consultants to offer valuable assistance.

Webinar: An Introduction to Life Settlements


Lower interest rates may drive growth in the life settlements market, which involves life insurance policyowners selling their policies to investors. Industry analyst Scott Hawkins offers insight on the life settlement market dynamics and the unique risks in this webinar.