Woody Bradford Shares Lessons from Insurers on ESG Integration


Woody Bradford, CEO and Chair of the Board, penned a column for the CFA Institute on the lessons insurers are offering on ESG integration.

Terence Martin Discusses the Growing Role of ESG in Insurers' Asset Management Strategies with AM Best


Terence Martin, a director in Conning's Insurance Research group, spoke to AM Best on the growing role of ESG in insurers' asset management strategies. 

Conning ConnText Podcast: Geopolitical Risks Add Pressures to U.S. Economy and Emerging Market Corporate Landscape


In the Conning ConnText podcast for the second quarter, Rich Sega, Global Chief Investment Strategist, reviews the evolving economic landscape and the impact of the Ukraine war. His guest, Alia Yousuf, an emerging market credit analyst with affiliate Global Evolution, discusses the impact of global events on EM opportunities. 

Sean Kurian Discusses the Impact of Rising Interest Rates on Pension Liabilities in Chief Investment Officer


Sean Kurian, Head of Institutional Solutions, comments on the 2021 liability-driven investment survey in Chief Investment Officer

Cindy Beaulieu Discusses ESG in Insurers’ Investment Strategies


Cindy Beaulieu, managing director and Chair of the Investment Policy Committee, discusses ESG in insurers’ investment strategies in a FundFire article. 

Matthew Lightwood on How Insurers are Adapting to Climate Change 


Matthew Lightwood, a director in risk solutions, comments on how the insurance industry is adapting to climate change in a Business Insurance article.

Matt Daly Discusses New Climate Disclosure Proposals from SEC in Insurance Asset Risk


Matt Daly, Head of Corporate and Municipal Teams, discussed the new climate disclosure proposals issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Insurance Asset Risk.

Dan Erickson Discusses Insurance Industry Mergers and Acquisitions in Health Payer Specialist


Dan Erickson, a Vice President in Conning’s Insurance Research department, comments on mergers and acquisitions in the industry in Health Payer Specialist

Conning Announces its Newest Strategic Report - Global Mergers & Acquisitions in the Insurance Industry: 2021 Distribution and Services Edition


The Conning study, “Global Mergers & Acquisitions in the Insurance Industry: 2021 Distribution and Services Edition” tracks both U.S. and non-U.S. insurer M&A activity across property-casualty, life-annuity, and health insurance sectors. The report provides industry transaction trend information over the preceding decade, with specific transactions detailed for each of the major sectors.

Paul Norris Discusses CLOs with Bloomberg


Paul Norris, Head of Structured Products, discusses collateralized loan obligations in a Bloomberg Law article.