Conning’s European centre provides a full range of services to a diverse mix of insurance/reinsurance companies, Lloyd’s entities, capital providers, life companies and pension funds.
Asset Management
Capabilities include a broad range of asset classes and currencies reflecting clients' individual risk appetites, business profiles, regulatory environments and investment goals. With $7.5bn in AuM in London, Conning is focused on delivering attractive, risk-adjusted returns balanced with downside protection, prudent diversification and capital efficiency. Delivered through discretionary mandates and tailored products, clients have access to core/ALM solutions as well as innovative strategies specifically designed to complement and enhance fixed income portfolios.
Lloyd’s of London
Conning is a leading provider of asset management services to the Lloyd's Market including its syndicates, managing agencies and capital providers. Conning delivers tailored investment solutions across the full range of Syndicate Trust Funds, Funds at Lloyd's and overseas deposits in all major reserve currencies. The London team is one of the most experienced and focused teams in the industry, and has over 30 years experience in this market.
Investment Expertise
Conning’s clients have direct access to portfolio managers and back-office professionals without going through a number of channels and procedures or client service managers. This unique setup has proven to be very valuable for insurers of all sizes. Conning’s professionals’ expertise also enables clients to benefit from a range of ancillary services including: input into internal models and Solvency II reporting, extensive knowledge of Trust requirements, custodians, documentation, and regulatory reporting.
Software & Services
Conning offers award-winning financial modeling software, consulting and implementation services to help insurance, pension companies, asset managers and consultants throughout Europe better analyze risk and improve decision-making. Our risk advisory services include:
- Economic Scenario Generation
- Solvency II / Capital Modeling
- Asset Liability Management
- Strategic Asset Allocation
- Performance Metrics and Efficient Frontier Analysis
- Software Implementation Services
- Risk Software Services and Training
Conning Asset Management Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority - FCA Firm Reference Number: 189316
Conning Asset Management Limited - UK Stewardship Code Disclosure
Conning Asset Management Limited - Capital Requirements Directive Pillar 3 Disclosure
ESG Statement
Modern Slavery Statement
TCFD Disclosures