
Highly liquid issues backed by a mix of non-mortgage assets (ABS), residential mortgages (RMBS) or commercial mortgages (CMBS), supported by Conning analysis of credit and prepayment risk.

Seeks to achieve higher yields than comparably rated corporate debt instruments while enhancing portfolio diversity and maintaining a high degree of liquidity.

Fundamental and quantitative analysis identifies relative value; we select securities meeting strict credit, structure and risk standards.

Invests in primarily high-quality securities with attractive yields relative to other comparably rated debt instruments and consistent with client’s unique constraints.

Seeks to achieve higher yields than comparably rated corporate debt instruments while enhancing portfolio diversity and maintaining a high degree of liquidity.

Fundamental and quantitative analysis identifies relative value; we select securities meeting strict credit, structure and risk standards.

Invests in primarily high-quality securities with attractive yields relative to other comparably rated debt instruments and consistent with client’s unique constraints.