2021 Focus Series: Asset Manager Re/Insurers: What’s so Different?

Price : $999.00

In this edition, we look at the asset manager/insurer relationship used by these new annuity re/insurers. We begin by recognizing that affiliated asset manager/insurer relationships are not new. Many of the largest life insurers have their own asset management subsidiaries, in addition to using unaffiliated asset managers. Similarly, having a re/insurance platform is not unusual among the large asset managers.

This report is the third in a four-part series that Conning will release to examine the role of new parties entering this market and the shifting competitive landscape

Table of Contents:




The AM-Affiliated Annuity Insurers’ Comparison Groups


A Wide Variety of Asset Managers in the Annuity Industry

Asset Managers Generating Investment Value for Annuity Insurers?


Case Study: The Asset Allocation of Bermuda Re/insurers


Case Study: The Jackson National Life Reinsurance Transaction and Asset Reallocation


Déjà Vu All Over Again?


What’s Next?


Recent Transactions


Over the past ten years, there has been an increasing level of attention provided to the life and annuity market. New entrants have sought to gain access to annuity insurers and their substantial assets under management by establishing new platforms or through the acquisition of or partnership with existing platforms. Conversely, many of the incumbent providers have sought to reposition within or exit the annuity market altogether through a combination of subsidiary sales or reinsurance transactions. Together, these transactions are restructuring both the participants and the capital sources of the annuity industry.